IPPNW XXIII Worldcongress Mombasa, Kenya

IPPNW World Congresses are important opportunities for health professionals, medical students, and activists to share information and strategies related to the abolition of nuclear weapons and the prevention of armed violence. World Congresses are hosted by national IPPNW affiliates, who share responsibility with the Federation’s leadership for developing the program and handling all the logistics.The 2020 IPPNW Congress, themed Disarmament, Development and Health, is a joint event of IPPNW with the Kenyan affiliate. 

IPPNW teilt mit, dass der Kongress wegen COVID19 verschoben ist.

We regret to inform you that due to the COVID19 pandemic we have postponed the IPPNW 23rd World Congress previously scheduled for May 25-29, 2020 in Mombasa, Kenya. New dates have not yet been set as we will be monitoring the worldwide health situation. Keep well!